
Friend Function (swap members)

Friend Function

Swap two members in class using Friend Functions

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How to download .cpp file

[01]  We will add the header files in the program.


using namespace std;

[02]  After that we will create class of name swaping

class swaping


private:///access specifier

int x;///declaring data type for x

int y;///declaring data type for y

public:///access specifier

void input()///function for input of data 


cout<<"enter values"<<endl;///getting data from the user

cout<<"a = ";cin>>x;///getting data from the user

cout<<"b = ";cin>>y;///getting data from the user

cout<<"befor swaping A = "<<x<<" and B = "<<y<<endl;///showing old data


void output()///function for output of data


cout<<"After swaping A = "<<x<<" and B = "<<y<<endl;///showing new data


friend void swap (swaping &s);///creating friend function


[03]  After that create a function for constructer 

void swap(swaping &s)///friend function to swap values


int z;///declaring 3rd variebles tp swap easily

z = s.x;///processing

s.x = s.y;///processing

s.y = z; ///processing


[04] And finally create the main function and call the functions and class by reference (only functions)

int main()////start of main function


swaping s;////creating objects of class

s.input();////calling functions by reference

swap(s);////calling functions by reference

s.output();////calling functions by reference

return 0; ////ENDL;


if you want to download the .cpp file then simple click on the link below to download.


must let your thoughts.

created by Syab Ahmad Shah.