
C++ Polymorphism 1


C++ Polymorphism


C++ polymorphism means that a call to a member function will cause a different function to be executed depending on the type of object that invokes the function. ... You have different classes with a function of the same name, and even the same parameters, but with different implementations.

Polymorphism in C++ - GeeksforGeeks

Polymorphism in C++ - Tutorialspoint


Simple example on  Polymorphism

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////Name Syed Syab Ahmad Shah
////Roll number *****
////University of SWAT
////BS SE
#include <iostream>///including header fil
using namespace std;
class Enemy///creating class
public:////public access spacifire
virtual void attack()///creating virtual function
cout<<"Showing virtual function now.."<<endl;
class Ninja : public Enemy///child class and inharting parent class
void attack()///creating funtcion
cout<<"i am Ninja ! Showing Ninja function now.."<<endl;
class Monster : public Enemy//child class and inharting parent class
public:///////////////if we comment out the below function or we remove that then the virtula function will be the output instead of it.
/* void attack()///creating funtcion
cout<<"i am Monster ! Showing Monster function now.."<<endl;
} */
int main()///creating main function
Ninja n;///creating objects of the child class 1
Monster m;///creating objects of the child class 2

Enemy *enemy1 = &n;///creating objects of the parent class, making pointer and assigning addresses
Enemy *enemy2 = &m;///creating objects of the parent class, making pointer and assigning addresses


n.attack();/////calling function
m.attack();/////calling function
return 0;